One of the biggest complaints about Myth was the way that everyone
kept their secrets to themselves. Strategies were what made you
(or didn't make you) a great player. Rarely do you find a web
site with good enough strategies for you to learn from.
Well.... neither was I. Until something happened that made
me wanna make it up to ARMY. So I'm pouring out everything I
know about WWII: Recon.
And on 01/11/00, I have added this table of contents because
this thing was growing freaking huge!
Table of Contents
Lesson I: Basic Soldier Maneuvers
The soldier is an all-purpose unit that requires great deal of
experience to handle. One needs time and effort to be able to
successfully master the techniques of master WWII players.
Rifle-The primary weapon of soldiers.
Clicking on target will shoot 3 rounds of bullets accurately.
One can easily distinguish a vetern player vs. a newbie in a one-one
combat. A newbie will most likely stay stationery during the entire
fight while the veteran will keep his soldier on the move. Targeting
a soldier too close to oneself will cause it to back up and then
try to shoot, but this is fatal at most times. If desperate, one
can control click at the ground behind the enemy and hope to get
a kill.
To dodge bullets, run at an angle
from your opponent, preferably at a 45 degree angle. As you run,
change directions immediately if you hear gunshots.
Bayonets-This type of attack is
crucial to winning and those who are inept (as I) at this skill
are prone to embarrassing losses. Double clicking the target will
cause your soldier to approach the target and stab the enemy.
The stab inflicts much more damage than a bullet, and 3 stabs
may kill a soldier. The difficulty of using this weapon lies in
the fact that you need to be extremely close to your target. If
you are not within the range, your soldier will move back and
try to get a shot which may give the enemy enough time to shoot
you down. You must also seize the higher-ground for this attack.
Nades-Grenades are extremely useful
in either eliminations or team games for it can easily decimate
an army if used carefully. The nade like the bullets will lead
to your target, which is useful only if the enemy is stationery
or unsuspecting. Otherwise, it is VERY easy to dodge a nade. It
is well-advised that in eliminations, you target a ground rather
than a unit but in careful consideration. You must predict the
enemy's movements, but the rewards are great.
Incendiary-These explosives,
I think, have a shorter range than a nade. I saw that targeting
a unit at a farely ranged distance will cause the explosive to
drop short. The incendiary bomb causes flames (where applicable)
and is useful for eliminating a unit in its med-low health.
RPGs-Many players' and my favorite
tool of this game. Their astounding range allows many possibilities
in Recon. To aim you need to target 40-50% of the way towards
your enemy, and causes fatal or near fatal damage if directly
well. One well- known usage is to bomb a nearby ammo dump in the
beginning in hopes of eliminating a player. These weapons take
EXTREME practices for perfection. I personally think that these
weapons are better used in close-range situations. Most people
miss by a mile at an approaching enemy, but if you can hold off
your urge and fire when your enemy is close, you have a better
chance of destroying your target.
Rocket RPG- An RPG bug. With rpg picked
up, press t, then click on self. See what happens! And guess what?
It works for incendiary bombs too! The soldier will fire straight
front, so you need to be facing EXACTLY at your target which doesn't
show because the Myth II does not have a 3D engine for each unit.
It is polyhedral with sprites used as sides. To ensure you are
aiming correctly, drag from your unit and target the arrow to
the corresponding direction.
Lesson II: Advanced Techniques
This part I didn't really wanna include. A player's gotta have
some secrets... So I trust you use this information wisely.
Rifle combat-
The strategy I use for this majority of the time is based on
the actions of your opponent. You WANT your opponent to fire his
shots before you. Keeping in mind that you are not too close to
him, keep moving while he's shooting, and when he's done, immediately
click on him. This is because some players take a bit to start
moving again after he shoots his three rounds. Through experimentation
I learned that there was an even better way to do this technique--
Let the opponent shoot first, but exactly when you hear that second
shot, click on your opponent. This is because the third one will
99% of the time miss because of your sudden stop, and that gives
you time to give your opponent 3 more headaches. This strategy
works for many opponents on as I have tried out.
Oh and right when you hear YOUR second shot, click on a ground
to your side so you're on the move right after you finish your
shots. Trust me. The soldier will not stop after the second shot
to move. They are a bit slow on commands.
Now when you do this one on one combat, you probably want to
move parallel to your opponent's paths. Usually this is how it
Where X is the opponent and O is you. Many times both players
move in the same direction. There are instances, however, when
you want to avoid this.
This is to be used only when you know you will finish reloading
first. Once you think you've moved enough, click on the opponent,
and make sure you do this before him. This is because you are
towards the back of the opponent so he needs to rotate in place
for a longer period of time.
Next, in a combat, If you try to shoot your opponent but fire
only one shot then get hit, your man will freeze for a bit. Most
people start moving and wait for the guy to reload. HOWEVER, since
you only used one of three rounds in your gun, your reload will
be faster than normal. Be sure to click on your opponent earlier
than normal.
Circular battle occurs when you and your opponent fight while
rotating in a circle seemingly chasing each other's tails. You
want to engage in this if your opponent does not move in a straight
line in order to keep the same distance between you too and remain
as parallel as possible. This will provide for a more fair fight.
Dodging is a must-have skill for any gunbattle. The one I used
to use the most is moving in a singular line perpendicular to
your opponent's shots:
You almost always have to do this in close range combat, cuz
anything else that's fancy will not work well. If you watch
higher-ranked WWII players play, some move linear, but hit stop
for a brief moment before they continue to move again. This
is because rifles lead to its targets and the sudden stopping
causes the rifle to get "confused." This skill requires
lotsa practice, so don't go trying this in ranked too much.
In longer ranged gun combats, you are better off using fancy
maneuvers including the "U-turn" move which lots of
players also seem to use. (Eck. This is hard to draw in ASCII
characters... Don't mind the underscores. They are there to
give accurate spacing between numbers.)
2 ________5
3 _____4
Okay I did this to the best of my ability, and if it looks messed
up, oh well. Your loss. This shows the opponent represented by
X shooting at you. The numbers represent your locations chronologically.
You almost move in a circle until you reach almost the same spot
you started (6) then you shoot at your opponent and repeat steps
1-5. Why does this work? The same reason as the previous technique
(stopping spontaneously), to confuse the rifle. The rifle will
lead to your "would-be" location, but you will not have
gone there, instead you will have curved a bit, and you will have
curved all the way around, not receiving any hit. In steps 1-3
and 4-6, you don't want to be moving with your back to your opponent
a lot, because that defeats the purpose. The key is moving in
a curve.
When you're moving one way and you hear shots coming at you from
the back, don't target the opponent right away because your soldier
will turn in place trying to face the opponent. But because you
stay in the same spot, the opponent probably will have shot you
3 more times before you release your first shot. To avoid this,
move like you do on a U-turn. Curve.
RPG Elimination
In Elimination, most players get RPGs. This is mainly because
incendiary bombs do not inflict the necessary damage in a game.
However, one soldier trying to RPG another single soldier at a
distance is almost impossible. RPG works best when performed by
a group of soldiers. Consequently, I use RPGs more in close range
then long range. You are more accurate that way, but the problem
is while you release your RPG, you are stationery for a couple
of seconds, during which time you may be hit. The RPG itself might
have missed completely. So... This is how I do it. You must fire
the RPG while you are moving!!! Normally you have to predict your
opponent's location with RPG and fire, but now, you must also
add another variable to your equation, your own future location.
Good luck with this!
Special Weapons
And in Elimination, people like to use secondary (special) weapons
alot, during which time they lose health by being shot at while
trying to release those weapons. REFRAIN from using as many of
those as possible, although it IS amusing to see your opponent
blow up to pieces. Learn to dodge nades, because they lead to
you as well. You don't have to be an EMP to know how to dodge
nades. HOWEVER, people get smart (evolution?) and they learn to
target land with nades, which you too should be doing. This action
confuses the person who was about to dodge the nade, but ends
up standing right next to it. ANTICIPATION is the key to WWII.
Without it you can't win.
Trees can be the best of friends, or the worst of enemies. When
you are down, they provide descent covering while your opponent
and you go round and round.... you know the story. However they
like to block your nades and RPGs and kill you just that easily
as well. Personally I prefer fighting in open plains rather than
trees, because there are too many factors to take into consideration.
But mastering these are the steps to becoming a better player.
Remember that where there are clumps of trees, it is possible
to shoot between trees, although it doesn't seem like it! This
is especially valuable when you've been trying to kill that guy
in red-health for a while.
Ahhh... And here's a part on doublers...
Personally I HATE doublers. I don't double either. When I hear
a fight going on, I stop immediately. Reason one: Do unto others
what you would have them do unto you. Reason two: You can clean
up the left-overs. Reason Three: Doubling seems to give orders
a bad name...
If, however, you are fighting another player and you catch at
the corner of your screen another player coming to join in, maneuver
your opponent in between you and the third person to use as your
advantage. After the sandwich is completed, you can go on and
kill the third person... hopefully.
Oh and BTW :P
Say you are desperately lost and you are engaged in a fight with
an opponent who likes to use nades. He throws a perfect nade at
you and you know you can't dodge it... What do you do? Quickly
zoom in and click on that little bastard. If you were quick enough,
you have picked it up!!!
The picked up nade will act as a special weapon which you can
use just like a normal nade... but I have noticed that the reused
nades don't like to blow up as much as the original ones...
How to STAB
I have never been too good at this field and have ventured far
and wide to get experts to give me a hint. I have been able to
come up with a few "theories" on how to successfully
execute this elusive command.
1. If your opponent is getting awfully close to you, he probably
wants to stab you. Click madly at your opponent!!! This actually
works!!! (rarely)
2. In case of a cannon or a dumb-soldier, zoom in and move really
close then double click. Double clicking doesn't mean kliklik.
It means click click. Don't click too fast. And once your soldier
starts making his attempts to stab, leave him alone!!! If you
keep clicking opponent again, he will abort his stab command and
try to shoot! If you leave him, he will continue to stab until
the target is destroyed!
3. This one I learned from a film with Soldier in it entitled
"Soldier's Bayonets." You let your OPPONENT get close
to you then stab. NEVER try to stab an opponent about 5 feet away
by moving close to him first. He will probably be able to shoot
you down.
Power of Bullets
I haven't checked out the tags for Recon so I don't know exactly,
but from my experiences, there is a tag that makes a projectile
do more damamge if it has more speed. This means if you are shooting
at an opponent coming STRAIGHT at you, he will die quicker than
when he runs straight away from you. I have learned this because
in many occasions I was able to kill off soldier with merely three
or four shots.
Play S2!!!
I used to only do elim. Result: I never got over prince. I started
playing S2. I became emp. Look at it this way. If there are 12
people playing an elim game, you have 1 in 12 or even less chance
of winning depending on your skillz and luckz. In random S2, you
have (in theory) 50/50 chance! And they're much more fun! But
you should build up your rank through eliminations because most
S2 games don't invite low ranks (silverwares) for safety reasons.
S2 Unit Division/Capping
Many people dread the idea of capping a WWII game. If you're
like me, you don't really like math all that much either. Well
first of all, NEVER GET A CANNON!!!
Secondly, here's a chart to help you distribute units.
Incase there is "x" player(s) on a team, people get
"such and such number of soldiers."
1: 20
2: 10, 10
3: 7, 7, 6
4: 5, 5, 5, 5
5: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
6: 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3
7: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2
8: 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2
Make sense? Write this down on an index card and keep it next
to your keyboard :)
One of my BEST secrets...
As strange as this may sound, it actually works. 100% of times
for me. Name your soldier. Not just any name. Names of great players
on all work in different aspects. Using your own name,
however, doesn't seem to produce the best results. This secret
works in elim, but not as well as it does in S2. This is because
the more soldiers you have names something special, the better
your chances get. So a strategy to use when you are a captain
is naming all your soldiers before distributing the soldiers.
This will not work as well if opponents know this secret and use
it on their behalf.
My Favorite Strat: Jumping
There are 12 starting locations in the Elimination (or Patrol
but I will be focusing on Elimination) map. As you probably know,
some are more advantageous than others. The strategy I always
use is jumping other players. This is when you deny the cache
of ammo you are alotted but proceeding to the adjacent one, hoping
to find an opponent approaching it. The opponent will not be expecting
this sort of attack (unless he has played against me) and will
be caught by surprise when you start shooting at him. Through
my experiences, people almost always get the RPG first, then move
onto nades then onto the plain of war. Your plan, in return, is
to shoot him in these times:
1. He is stooping to get the ammo
2. He has just finished picking up the ammo (because there will
be a slight pause before he proceeds)
3. He is moving to his next ammo but happens to be straigh in
the line of fire as you are
If you try to shoot him in other instances, you will miss in
the most humiliating manner and he will be informed of your presence.
Why jump at all?
The entire purpose of jumping someone is to get 3 (or more) clean
shots at the opponent before he starts to fight you. This gives
you an upperhand in the following gunfight, and you should use
this jumping strategy only if you are excellent at one on one
gun battles.
There is a danger, however, in certain circumstances... If you
happen to miss all your shots, you are in trouble. He is loaded
with an RPG and 3 nades while you only have one nade. In this
circumstance, rely on your gun skills only and avoid that RPG!!!
Even if you get three clean shots, there are points to be aware
about, including the fact that he is better armed than you are.
He is probably in a better position than you are in terms of terrain
elevation. Another factor is that your jumping will cause other
players to hear the gunshots, and the ones nearby, but most importantly
the one on the other side of your starting location, will most
likely stroll down your way and either double to finish you off,
or wait for the remainders and finish you off. You must always
keep this in mind and get into a position where no one can shoot
you from behind.
Here is a map illustrating the locations:

I'm sorry about the bad resolution. For Now I hope this will
do. The number at top left is 1 and going clockwise it ends at
12. These are the 12 different starting locations which I will
use to discuss now.
The starting locations most players do not prefer are 2, 6, 8,
9, 10, 11, and 12. Meaning people prefer 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7. People
usually do not like the swamps for one reason or the other. Now
for the jumping part.
This is, first of all, MY preference. You may come up with your
own as you get better. If you start at 8, you can jump the 7 location
but people don't like to do this because it takes longer to get
around that tree. The secret is, you don't need to get around
the tree that you start next to!!! If you click towards location
1, you will find that the soldier goes around that tree. However,
to go through the trees as a shortcut, you need to zoom in a bit.
You need to move in small steps between the tree to successfully
get your soldier through them. If you happen to mess up and your
soldier tried to go his way by turning around, you have lost valuable
time, and your opponent that might be there at start location
1 might either have left, or have already noticed you.
The second jumping location is from 2. This is one of my best
jumping locations. You want to jump towards location 3, but there
are points to remember on this one. You don't want to run all
the way to their own dump, but rather right next to the clump
of trees towards the top of the map. This is because you will
almost always get to the location before your opponent does, and
he will not fall for the trick. Rather, if you wait next to the
trees, he will not notice you and will pick up his RPG. This is
where you shoot him. Right after you shoot, however, you have
3 options. One is to run behind the trees right next to you and
use it as a shield while you reload, or two is when you go around
those trees towards north and towards your opponent so you will
not be shot from behind in case someone started at 1, and three
is when you go right towards your opponent again to avoid people
from behind. Number one is the best for remaining relatively healthy
while fighting him off, and two and three are useful for going
into straight-forward battle. However, if you decide on using
one, some will realize that you are almost invincible from that
position and will start going south towards the valley between
the other group of trees. From there it is difficult to get rid
of him, as are all tree-related fights.
Another jumping location is from 3 to four, but DON'T go in the
northern passage towards the corner of the map! Doing this will
not give you a clear shot and the opponent will have an advantage
of ammo. But by going the other way by the plains, you will see
him picking up the RPG. Enemies that I've come across take one
of these two options. He comes down from the little bluff and
fights in the rocky area of the map in NE or recedes back into
the corner where it is harder for you to reach him. When he does
this, avoid walking towards him!!! Because in doing so you will
get dangerously close to the dump where he can easily nade you
to bits. Simply find a better location to fight him from. Although
I admit this is one of the harder jumping locations...
My FAVORITE jumping location is at 5. You want to attack 4! This
is such a great spot because you get him in sight very early and
you can get more than one set of rounds at him before he starts
attacking you. Once you hit him, move around the trees towards
the corner onto the bluff to block his own way there. Rarely will
he attempt to fight you back, and he will move towards 3 behind
the trees. You want to have killed him before he does this, because
trees are always pain in the rear-end. If you're lucky you can
nade him using anticipation and it isn't too tough to shoot him
either. But in unfortunate cases the player from start location
3 will pick up your kill, and you will have a ammo loaded enemy
to face in plains.
If you start at 10, you should pick up that RPG right in front
of you and move around the dump towards 11. Why? The player at
9 will blow your head off before you even get your hands on the
second nade! You need to move onto location 11 where you can quickly
find out if someone started there by the absence of his ammo.
Try to RPG him when he moves towards you before you even start
to fight, and then try to do a straight-forward battle. Once in
a while, look towards location 9, because once he hears the gunshots,
he will cross the water to your location. You need to watch for
the ripples, and if you spot one, use that nade at your dump!
And If you start at 11, don't bother with ammo and move straight
to 10 where he will have picked up an RPG. The up-side of this
jump is that you two will be moving in a straight path, so just
as long as you fire first, you will do him a good amount of damage
to start the battle.
One person acting as many
In S2 games where you have 4 or more units to deal with, you
MUST use the presets to win! If you have 4, you will make 3 into
a preset and the other into a preset by itself. the one will be
used to scout, and once you spot enemy, quickly toggle the 3 units
and RPG away! If you have 5 units, make two presets again, one
as a scout and 4 to RPG. If you have 6 or in smaller games 7,
split them into groups of 3 & 3 or 3 & 4. Use the smaller
group first and fight as you normally would. You will be able
to deal the opponent more damage then he will do to you, because
most players in smaller games take all his units at once to battle,
where you can RPG, then nade them to bits, while the most he can
do it take out your 3 while you have 4 more behind them. For a
person to act as many, however, you need to control both groups
at once. For example, while you are fighting with the group of
three, move the group of four into position to RPG the opponent.
As long as you can, try to attack the opponent with the first
group, but once it is destroyed, move in with your healthy and
armed (and larger) group at your enemy. He will be overwhelmed
and the victory will be yours.
Even more useful in S2 is presets on a cannon. If you are given
a cannon AND units, divide them into two presets, one for all
your soldiers, and one for your cannon. Locate the opponent with
your soldier and QUICKLY toggle your cannon and fire away! Useful
in small games where enemies are clumped together. Why do this
and not let someone else handle cannon independently? Because
YOU will see the enemy before HE does, and will be able to manage
it better this way. Cannon's couldn't hit the side of a wall if
it was 5 feet in front of it, so in larger games where units are
more spread apart, you want to avoid getting cannons at all.
Another good usage for cannon is its secondary attack, the group
of shells that act as satchel charges in a way. In CTF or BOP,
fire your shells into the lower hill of the enemy territory because
they will more likely be there getting ready to attack, AND to
fire into the higher hill your canno will have to be dangerously
close to the action. In KOTH, fire at the opponent's flag or the
higher hill because they will be playing defense there. In STB,
or LMOTH where the fighting takes (usually) in the middle, fire
your shells in the middle towards the base of the opponent's lower
hill. Setting off these charges are easy. Any explosion will set
them off and cover more ground damage-wise.
Oh and if you have the time, go ahead and taunt with your cannon.
Hidden Ammo
God I love playing with high-ranked in S2. You learn lots of
stuff from them.
Anyway, if you are towards the end of the game with both teams
having small number of units, don't you ever have a thought saying,
"God I wish I had an RPG right about now..."
Well your prayer has been answered. If you are in the northeastern
HQ, the clump of bushes next to the ammos hides an RPG for usage.
If you are in the southwestern HQ, there is a small clump of bushes
in the corner (more to the West side) between trees. This one
is harder to find then the northern one, but at desperate times,
this will be very useful.
Elimination revisited (My FAVORITE Elim
It isn't difficult to locate your enemy in Elim. You can see
ammo mysteriously disappearing or you can see ripples. Although
most of the time this information leads you to a normal fight,
you must recognize your enemie's movements.
1. At the eastern edge of the plains in the rocky sides, there
lies a single RPG. If you see an enemy who you definitely know
is moving straight for that AND hasn't seen you yet, wait until
he gets as close as 5 feet within that thing, and fire the RPG
at the other RPG!!! The 5 feet that he needs to walk will give
time for the RPG to sail across the air and set the RPG off which
the opponent will be standing right above. IT'S SO MUCH FUN TO
2. For the same method, there lies another RPG to the south of
the lower hill of the northern HQ hidden half in water. If you
see an enemy of ripple moving towards this, blast it like you
did in 1!!! SO FUN!!
3. Yet 2 more RPGs are there for your amusement, one next to
the crates a bit off to the middle of the map, and one towards
the swamps from the middle of the map.
4. I THINK this is towards the northern hill... I must recheck
this, but to the east of the northern hill stands a bunch of white
crates in water. Most veterans of WWII: Recon know what that thing
is full of: RPGs!!! No you can't open it and get them, but you
CAN blow it up to create the BIGGEST explosion in WWII: Recon!
If you see ripples in that area, aim for the crates!!! BOOOOOOOM!!!
And keeping in mind that there is also an RPG laying near the
crate at the rise of the hill, if you see someone getting close
to that, blow the crate!!! It will set off the RPG, killing the
In all these circumstances, if you don't hear the satisfying
"Player Eliminated" narration by the man, go straight
there! The soldier who has not yet been killed by these explosions
will be incredibly close to meeting his maker! You MUST help him
meet him!
Priorities of Teamwork
In s2 or patrol where you are faced against multiple targets,
be sure to attack the one that is stationery. Attacking the moving
targets will almost always result in a miss, while the others
pound on your from the other sides.
I forgot that this strategy guide would be separated into Roman
numerals... Oh well..........
Auxiliary Tips
Play WWII with headphones on!!! This can help you direct yourself
towards (or away from) the action/RPG/gunshots/nades/taunts/body-parts-landing
Oh and say you got pissed at Jane one day and when she wasn't
there, you started saying some long and nasty stuff about her.
When you filled the entire text box and were about to press return,
suddenly Jane comes into the room and asks, "Whoever thinks
I should take over ARMY say 'aye' or else...." Well in this
case you will want to type 'aye' as fast as you can, but with
all that junk already typed into your space, it takes forever
to delete it. Solution?
His the Tab key. It automatically selects the entire text and
you can then hit Delete to purge that 'nonsense.'
(And Jane, I made this up. I couldn't think of any other good
examples. None of us would really do something like this in real
To quickly find out if someone's a newbie, select his name, and
type '.userid' which will display a number. The higher the number,
the more newbie he is. Or at least the account...
What'd you get a degree in?
You know what frustrates EVERYONE on No not droppers.
No not cheaters. No no BNA. No not celests. No not Jane. SLOW
They completely waste people's valuable times by having them
wait for you!!! By playing 5 games, the waiting time would have
probably been as long as another full-length WWII game!!! People
drop because they think the entire game didn't load, and the host
gets pissed off too!
1. Do a LARGE INSTALL!!! This reduces the need for the slow CD-ROM
drive to function during the entire gameplay and since everything
is in the HD, everything will load faster!!!
If you don't have the 500 megs for the LARGE INSTALL, that means
you're computer's not worth playing Myth II on anyway. Throw that
junk away and get yo-self a G4!
2. Make a Disk-Image of your Myth II CD!!! If you still load
slow after you do the LARGE INSTALL, use Apple's Disk Copy software
bundled with most OS and make an image of your CD!!! That means
the CD will NEVER have to function at all!!!
3. Get yo-self some RAM!!! No not VM. VM (virtual memory) is
not recommended by me because it increases the memory requirements
for most Applications. Get yourself some hard RAM and turn off
VM entirely. Then open up the Get Info window for Myth II and
allocate as much memory as you can!
And in saying this I would also like to add: Don't run any more
applications while running Myth!!! This slows the computer down
drastically and if you are the host, this will most likely kill
your game! Among other programs Netscape, Explorer, GoLive, Dreamweaver,
Photoshop are the prime suspects for causing this sort of lag.
4. Purge your pref menu: Yes the menu next to the Local menu
that gives you remote access to other WWII games. This is said
to reduce chat lag drastically... but I personally will NEVER
get rid of my pref window. I love that thing...
5. "Stop talking! It just creates lag!" Well I haven't
yet tested this hypothesis yet, but this came from a high-ranked
player, so I shouldn't be questioning the validity of this statement.
6. Take out those plugins you will NEVER use!!! (i.e. <censored>,
<censored>, and <censored>.) The two you need, and
the ONLY two I carry are Titans, Titans Unit, Titans Solo, and
Recon. Come on. Have you seen anyone play Amsterdam lately?
7. If the Ping is anything over 400ms, DON'T JOIN! There is an
exception, when the title reads: NOLAG!1!I SWEA
8. Get a G4, T3, and Gigabytes of RAM.
THE secret of secrets Part II:
This is a hidden yet unconfirmed cheat that I use almost everyday.
In Elim, press Caps Lock and you will be given a wonderful starting
And NO. Toggling Caps lock will NOT put you in the best team
that game. It will, however, increase your chances of being Cap.
Invisible Man!
Remember the Into the Breach mission in the Normal Myth II: Soulblighter
campaign? Remember your dwarf who was invisible to your opponents
but not to you who can see it sort of? Well it is possible in
WWII! This technique is used by few players who always seem to
get their units behind your hill and maul you down unnoticed.
<Like the dwarf, once your invisible soldiers attack, taunt,
or get close to your enemy, he will be seen and act normal again.>
This is pretty simple: Select ONE of your soldier. More than
one will NOT work and the game will quit all multiplayers to desktop.
This means that whenever your games crash to desktop, someone
had tried to activate multiple invisible units.
Select ONE soldier, and name him LolUFoolzUkantCme!!! exactly
as is.You must also avoid all damage, for once you are hit, you
will return to normal. Use my Dodging techniques above to perform
your maneuvers.
Wow this page is getting REEEEEEAAALLLY long.
Other auxiliary tips
1. Brush your teeth: When you meet someone new in, you
want to make sure you give them a nice first impression.
2. Set your clocks 5-10 minutes ahead of time like I do. This
will make sure (um.... most of the time) that you can meet the
3. Try not to play after midnight... You're in a pooped out condition
and will lose hundreds of points like I did that one terrible
4. Don't drink and play. You'll only be saying AFK one too many
5. If you find a really hot chick at school, hook me up!
6. Read the books: The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli and The
Art of War by Sun Tzu.
7. Don't cuss...
8. Learn a foreign language.
9. Dropping sucks. So don't. ESPECIALLY if you are captain.
10. Make friends in high places. They come in handy.
11. Strive for your beliefs.
12. Listen to Hip Hop R&B.